Endurance training

I went on a 4 km run today which was fine. I also start reading a new book called Eat and Run by The famous ultramarathon runner Scott Jurek. He sais that his parentes learned him from childhood to become an endurance athlete. It is a really inspiring book and I Will publish a review and a video about it when I am finished. It feels like I want to become a better endurance trainer Who can run long distances and also have a lot of patience because IF you run without patience you Will suffer a lot and complain about how long you have to go. I found out that when running you shall focus on The present moment to get rid of some suffering because a run is only one step long The step you are taking now. I think endurance training can benefit everyones life because in life you need a lot of patience with different tasks. Hang on and keep on running! Soon I Will make a new vlog again stsy tuned!

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